Monday, February 15, 2010

What do I know?

Events in Life sometime make me really ponder the question “What do I know”?

Is there truth beyond our perceptions? Is life really how we interpret it to be? There are many who talk of a filter that every person must look through to view the world. A filter built by individual experiences that changes the way we see things. Do you ever wonder if your filter is clogged? Perhaps it is so full of our life’s broken experiences that the picture we see has no resemblance to reality.How much of what we see as life is simply perception and nothing more?

I believe most of the people I know assume that all other people see life as they do. It seems with life comes an expected behavior, so most of us simply do as we are expected to do. Is it time we question the expectations of life? It seems we are programmed to follow without question. How often in our life's have we heard things like; “Your mom and Dad now best”, “the boss said so”, “don’t question me” “the country knows best?” 

If we don’t question those in authority, will they question themselves?   Have you ever noticed how if nobody questions us, we often think we’re right even if we are wrong?

I think we need to quit assuming all is well and people know what they are doing. I think it is time to ask questions about everything. Questions like, What do I really know? Does our education system still work? Is the idea of Big Business actually a good idea? Does the FDA still look out for our well being and best interest? What about the good old USA, is it still being run “by the people, for the people?”

I had a high school teacher that told me that when we made assumptions we made an Ass of ourselves and those around us. At the time I never really cared to understand what he meant. It seems to me now, everything in life is an assumption. We assume that those making all the hard decisions in life are smarter than we are. Perhaps it’s time we at least question that assumption.

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