Friday, October 9, 2009

The crazy man on the corner


Lately I have a felt like I am a just a raggedy hat and shopping cart away from being that crazy guy knocking on your car window blabbering crazy talk and hoping somebody cares.

Have you ever been minding your own business and someone spews out some sort of scary life fact, and later you wish you never heard it?

This may be one of those times.

I have become more and more aware of something I find to be more than just a little disturbing.

You can quit looking for men in Black suits or helicopters following you around, at least for now. My concern is more about our food supply, the more I read the more I wish I didn’t know.

If you want to find out what I am talking about do a search for “Genetically Modified Organisms” in Google video or visit and listen to one or both of the audio files about the issue.

Buying 400 acres, 12 chickens and a goat all the sudden seems like the only sane idea left.

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