Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Georgia Budget Proposal to Save $16,361,477


According to http://www.open.georgia.gov/ there are at least 222 employees working for the state of Georgia that each make more than $250,000 a year. Of those, there are over 25 that make more than the $400,000 a year salary made by the United States President.

My proposition is this, implement a salary cap on all tax funded positions at a maximum of $250,000. Oh I am sure we will all cry when the President of UGA has is forced to take shelter at the local mission, and our Chancellor takes up shopping at goodwill. however, something tells me that they will bounce back much faster than the janitors and part time staff whom they have proposed we should lay off. 

So here’s the math on this proposal. Unless I missed someone there are 222 Georgia state employees that make a combined salary of $71,861,477. There individual salaries range from just above the 250 mark to an insane $607,417 dollars a year. If each of these salaries were capped at 250,000 a year, which isn’t exactly putting anyone in the poor house, the state would save  16,361,477 a year.

That of course does not even take into consideration the fact that some, if not all, of these people received a raise of at least %5 since the 2009 numbers were gathered for the state webpage.

 Untitled-1   adams_michael_UGA

kohli_ajay_profile copy Chancellor

Note: All Georgia State salaries are all available and freely found at http://www.open.georgia.gov/. The salaries used here are based on the 2009 information and according to the Georgia General Assembly many of these employees received recent raises. The meetings from the Georgia Assembly can be found here, http://www.gpb.org/general-assembly

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